Being outdoors is more important now, than ever before…
Fri, 06 May 2022
CISS continues to believe in the importance of outdoor activity for young learners, and Swallowdale is the perfect place to make this happen.
For campers and parents, the pandemic has forced our children into long stretches of online learning, isolation from friends, and very little outdoor activity. Our focus for 2022 is to help kids claim back some basic skills that may have been lost as a result.
“Summer camps represent a unique opportunity for social-emotional development by allowing children to separate from their usual family and peer environment while learning new skills or spending time outdoors,” says lead author Ashley DeHudy, M.D., a pediatrician at University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital who spent years working at different camps.
Our aim is for campers to fully enjoy their camp experience and have memories that are meaningful and positive. They should be encouraged to fostering connections with nature, fellow campers and staff, developing their soft skills. Being at camp is one of the very few places where such an experience is still possible. Imagine campers watching talent shows with their peers, singing songs by a campfire, or immersing themselves in unique camp traditions. A true break from technology and social media!
Cell Phone Policy
Swallowdale has long established a cell phone policy that allows enough time for campers to keep in touch with loved ones, but also gives them the opportunity to have a break from their devices and to connect with their camp community.
All camper cell phones and electronic devices are collected by programme staff upon arrival, during the check-in process. Devices are labeled and kept in a secured location. Campers may retrieve their devices twice per week:
- Tuesday at 6pm to Wednesday at 9pm
- Friday at 6pm to Saturday at 9pm
Campers have use of their devices during these two time periods after which they must then return their devices
We understand that parents may get concerned about the inability to contact their kids 24/7 on their own devices. But parents can always contact the camp office in case there is an urgent matter that needs to be communicated with the camper.
“Having time away and connecting with the natural environment is essential. Camp is a really unique opportunity to establish a sense of community and form lifelong friendships. If parents allow kids to unplug from daily life and engage themselves at camp, it will be a very rewarding experience” adds Dr. DeHudy.